tihl.tv is a ministry of the Batesville district of
Seventh-day Adventist churches. We are devoted to the
belief that Jesus is supreme over the church, and he is the way,
the truth, and the life.
“Thunder” is a series of lessons opening the Bible and upholding
the messages that Jesus gave us through his written WORD.
We invite you to contact us with any questions about the lessons
or the churches
Batesville SDA
Mt View SDA
Heber Springs SDA
You can contact us through the web sites or send message to
© dingalinks.com
tihl.tv is a ministry of the Batesville district
of Seventh-day Adventist churches. We are devoted to the
belief that Jesus is supreme over the church, and he is the way, the
truth, and the life.
“Thunder” is a series of lessons opening the Bible and upholding the
messages that Jesus gave us through his written WORD.
We invite you to contact us with any questions about the lessons or the
Batesville SDA
Mt View SDA
Heber Springs SDA
You can contact us through the web sites or send message to